Saturday, June 6, 2009

Woohs~ ! what a happy day ♥

i just went for a ride on my uncle's 2 uncles, my aunt and I went to little india there for dinner :)

i feel so free and i love the wind that is flapping on my face....makes me wanna take a walk at the beach!

there are so many things troubling me glad i meet up with my BFF shun hiang this morning at amk library to study...i feel so much better after telling her about all my finally stress free!!

i learnt from her that " Let everything takes its own course" so im willing to wait for results

after that, i went to meet up with my aunt...initially, i was the one who asked her to accompany me to buy my lingerie....

but in the end, i was the one who accompany her...she shop like there's no tomorrow...she bought so many sets of lingerie...duno for what

i was just happy that when my beloved boyfriend was not around, there are my family members who kept me company and chase all loneliness away

I am loved ♥

1 comment:

Joshua said...

thats right. there are so many people around you which dotes and love you. have you found out who?