Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My 21st Pool Party!!! ♥♥♥

Finally I'm done uploading the photos!! weets~! I'm finally 21!!!
Sorry for the longgggg delay...but TADAAAA :D My 21st birthday party post is up now!! hehehehe even when i'm blogging now, I can feel the excitement in me just as on my birthday itself :))) let's not do so much talking and move on to the photos ;)
check into Aloha Loyang Pool Terrace 8 :) the venue of the big party! I tied the Hello Kitty helium balloon at the sign as an indication of my bday party venue :) hehe 
baby's bro with my Kitty! he doesnt like Hello Kitty though lol
early birds who came to help me do the decorations....but apparently, failed coz the balloons cant be sticked to the wall :( nonetheless, we just leave the colourful balloons lying around the floor :)
Zhi ming helping out with the BBQ :)
Baby's bro and cousin are enjoying themselves in the pool :)
me and Baby 
see those small guys inside the pool?? one of them actually came out of the pool standing near our bbq pit and stare at me for like 2-3mins....and Baby shouted at them and chased them away LOL despo kids...never see girl in bikini before
baby's cousin Yuan & me :)
my very first 2 guests Julia and Soo min arrived...so I had to get changed into my party dress! lovely isnt it?? sorry for the blurr photo :(
my HUGEEEEE birthday cake!!! sponsored by my uncle :)

the decorations!!! I LOVE my name with the colourful letters!! hehee :D happy girl ^^

feel really embarrassed in front of my guests when singing the birthday song...I feel so happy that moment :D
made 3 BIG wishes and.....
Baby's friends pop the poppers which shocked me a little...but yet create the great party feeling  :)

waiting for people to take photo with me...
my ah gong, mummy, daddy and my 3rd sis ! (other 2 younger siblings were swimming & my bigger brother came at 11pm plus)
wow...Baby's family is really  a big one though...his ye ye, nai nai, gu gu, shen shen, parents, sister and brother & cousin were all there
not to forget my secondary school and junior college friends!!! Julia, Soo min, Jennifer, Joan & Esther

Baby's friends!!! just too many of them...LOL ( Ang Siang, Clement, Xiang Hui & his friend came later too!)

my sec sch friends aka my kors ( Joshua, Winson, Bolin & gf Yuwen)
lastly, ME & BABY!!! (lol...his gugu asked him to change into a shirt coz he was in his singlet)

not to forget me and my LOVELY Hello Kitty!!!
me and my kors!!! (Alfred, Yang, Xiu yu, Darren, Terence & Xian Hao) Love them to the max! 
colourful marshmallows are LOVE!! :)
chocolate fondue !!
 and the pool party started!
Baby still struggling...LOL
POOFF! Off he goes into the pool
Baby and his favourite buddha pose -.-
chun teik, baby & his bro, leong jun
Up next : pokering in the room !

 Zhi ming was too tired with all the help he had done....
 the ultimate BIMBO! had to only put up only one of his self take photo...coz he's too extreme LOL
end the day with a good sleep!!!

I really had a great time at my party!!! Thanks to all of my friends and family!!!


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