Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A holiday that is not like a holiday ♥

First week of June

2 June: 8-11am chemistry, 11-6pm dance training, 1-3pm maths

3 June: 8-12pm & 1-3pm chemistry, 11-6pm dance training

4 June: 11-6pm dance training
5 June: 11-6pm dance training

*this post is specially for BUK CHENG who always ask me about lessons

This whole week is about trainings, trainings and trainings ;(

sad to say that my June holidays schedule is so packed till im so breathless now T_T

Im just worried i can't catch up with the rest when i come back from training and my up-coming Asian Youth Games Opening Ceremony performance :)

Actually, Im very excited about it....but everyone has to make sacrifices in order to achieve something great right? dear...must rmb to encourage me k?

Do contact me if you want the AYG opening ceremony preview tickets :)

okie...i gtg zzZ....see you

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