Monday, June 22, 2009

Out with BFF♥

My lovely present for beloved BFF!
LOVE the presents she gave me !!!
A card for me!
the card was really nice...until i saw this!


my BFF :)

my food!

her food!

we were eating...when the lights at pizza hut there suddenly went out....

i asked shun hiang" did u prepare this for me??" smiled...

she ans " where got so big shot?" look blur...

and then the staff play happy birthday song...i was so stunned...i tot someone has the same birthday as me...then i looked around...

suddenly, got this lady staff put the cake in front of me...


i was so so so shocked! it wasnt planned by shun hiang...she was stunned as well...the lady told me that she saw the words "happy birthday" on the present...dats how she knows it's my birthday:) i feel so blissed...

im loved by my boyfriend, my friend ,my family and even pizza hut!

then i keep laughing non-stop(at shun hiang abt the big shot thingy) LOLx...

make a wish...

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