Thursday, June 4, 2009

Reflections ♥

Today after dance training, I asked my dear to fetch me from sch on his bike coz my right leg was injured and I can't walk properly...and we went for dinner together ;) so sweet

I love doing random on the wayback to the carpark, I drag my bf to's a bra shop btw

haha actually, it was my plan long ago...but didnt thought of really doing it at the moment...i guess i was just abit crazy today :)

i forced my bf to go inside the shop and help me choose 2 sets of lingerie cause they are on sale...GSS rocks!
my bf was so shy till he keep finding excuses to get away! his face was super paiseh...make me laugh like mad...haha

i went home and on my lappy and read people's blogs and facebook...i realised my life is so boring and i dun feel proud of it...i had so many doubts at this point of time...

my bf called me and i told him abt it...wothout a second thought, he said he will meet me immediately and be my listener...seriously, i was very touched at that moment ...

we meet again and i confide in him about my me, everything was complicated. But to him, it was never a problem...he was the key to the lock in my heart...i feel so loved by my boyfriend...i just hide myself in his gives me all the security that i need

Ilove you

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