Thursday, June 18, 2009

Shopping !♥

i went to Vivo with shun hiang to shop for my birthday dress!

woots! finally, back to my own world...haha

i've been looking at F21 website for some time, and thus decided to shop there...

i found one beautiful navy blue halter dress and bought it without a second thought...claps

thanks to shun hiang, i finally found my longchamp inspired bag!! i've been looking for that bag and even had a fight with an auntie at tampiness mall over that's quite funny though

i even act as a model for one ang moh man to straighten my hair...he was selling hair straightener btw...

while he was doing on my hair, got few customers actually tried using it on my hair...and they bought feels great to be a 'model'

lazy to blog...i gtg sleepzzz

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