Saturday, June 20, 2009


im looking forward to celebrate my birthday tmr with my dear :)

wonder wad he intend to do for me....

today is another boring day...and im feeling so stressed up with clearing of homework...

i really wish i can consolidate all my J1 and J2 work...but now, im just doing my work for the sake of doing it...and i've not even completed 1/4 of the load! crap ~!@#$%^^*&*

S T R E S S E D !!!

meanwhile i just try my best to finish :(

btw, i got one really important thing to annouce...

EVERYONE pls watch the AYG advertisement on channel!!

im one of the dancers inside...hehe (although cant see me)

thanks to meiyi for telling me ^^

it makes my day man...

1 comment:

joshua said...

yup.. i seen the advertisment... so many girls dancing. which is you>?