Monday, June 29, 2009


P.S: click on it to view the AYG photos :)

it was really an AWESOME experience for me...hehe

i miss the corridor, the meeting room, toilet at the Indoor Stadium.....not to forget the PERFORMING PLATFORM!!!!

omg im going crazy~~~

thanks to all those who watched the AYG Opening Ceremony on Channel 5 at 7pm ;)

thanks for shouting " i saw you on tv!!!!" at me :) esp my dear

i am such a fortunate girl♥

(SORRY dear for not spending time with you during my intensive rehearsals and practice time which took up our time)

Saturday, June 27, 2009


the AYG to watch :)

it's a day that i've been waiting for....

and today is the day i perform after so many months of practice....

i made two mistakes during the performance :(


but from the make-up thing to the photo taking part, i really LOVE every moment of it!!!
( will upload photos after the AYG)

Friday, June 26, 2009

happy day ♥

training again...

but was happy due to some reasons...haha ...not telling you :P

Thursday, June 25, 2009

training! ♥


today i train again at Singapore Indoor wasn't as tiring as ytd....haha

my aunt treat me to chicken chop from favourite!!! most importantly, my dear was there to company and communicate with me....must put in my effort in this relationship...

i feel loved :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My birthday! ♥


im 19 today....i had electrochmistry test at 8am...and after that proceed for my dance

but one person makes me so so happy by wishing me 'happy birthday' in front of so many your smile :)

then after training, dear company me for dinner...and spend the night with me...he treats me really very well...he help me to massage my legs because of all the running i did at Singapore Indoor Stadium....i love him alot...and i've been loving him for the past 2 years...

thanks alot...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Out with BFF♥

My lovely present for beloved BFF!
LOVE the presents she gave me !!!
A card for me!
the card was really nice...until i saw this!


my BFF :)

my food!

her food!

we were eating...when the lights at pizza hut there suddenly went out....

i asked shun hiang" did u prepare this for me??" smiled...

she ans " where got so big shot?" look blur...

and then the staff play happy birthday song...i was so stunned...i tot someone has the same birthday as me...then i looked around...

suddenly, got this lady staff put the cake in front of me...


i was so so so shocked! it wasnt planned by shun hiang...she was stunned as well...the lady told me that she saw the words "happy birthday" on the present...dats how she knows it's my birthday:) i feel so blissed...

im loved by my boyfriend, my friend ,my family and even pizza hut!

then i keep laughing non-stop(at shun hiang abt the big shot thingy) LOLx...

make a wish...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Birthday Celebrations!!!♥

I brought forward my birthday celebrations cause i got caught up by school event on the actual day :(

nevertheless, i had a great time with my dear :) this is the second time my dear celebrates my birthday with me :)
hope i can spend every birthday with him till forever...

these are the gifts i've collected so far...feel so blissed ^^
my dear got me a diamond necklace from's under AVOIRE collections... im so so so happy...he make my wish come true...
let's see how pretty it looks like...
OMG... look at the shine! it's GORGEOUS!
this is a card done by my sweetie baby...thanks alot's really beautiful...
words by dear...
haha...dear u r so cutee~ ur art like kindergarden school makes me smile :)

Finally,out for a date with baby...he brought me to cafe cartel at ms for a treat:)

my handsome and sweet baby... drooping alr!
dear help me to put on my necklace after our delicious meal...
got a pretty rose from dear too! second wish granted!

my dear and i...paiseh i wasnt on stand by mode...oops!
so sweet together!

thanks baby for everything...


Saturday, June 20, 2009


im looking forward to celebrate my birthday tmr with my dear :)

wonder wad he intend to do for me....

today is another boring day...and im feeling so stressed up with clearing of homework...

i really wish i can consolidate all my J1 and J2 work...but now, im just doing my work for the sake of doing it...and i've not even completed 1/4 of the load! crap ~!@#$%^^*&*

S T R E S S E D !!!

meanwhile i just try my best to finish :(

btw, i got one really important thing to annouce...

EVERYONE pls watch the AYG advertisement on channel!!

im one of the dancers inside...hehe (although cant see me)

thanks to meiyi for telling me ^^

it makes my day man...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Shopping !♥

i went to Vivo with shun hiang to shop for my birthday dress!

woots! finally, back to my own world...haha

i've been looking at F21 website for some time, and thus decided to shop there...

i found one beautiful navy blue halter dress and bought it without a second thought...claps

thanks to shun hiang, i finally found my longchamp inspired bag!! i've been looking for that bag and even had a fight with an auntie at tampiness mall over that's quite funny though

i even act as a model for one ang moh man to straighten my hair...he was selling hair straightener btw...

while he was doing on my hair, got few customers actually tried using it on my hair...and they bought feels great to be a 'model'

lazy to blog...i gtg sleepzzz

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today Mr Kwek keep aiming at me during lecture...

during break, he kept saying " Meichiee better do your work and study!" and he repeated twice btw

and even before i leave, he keep telling me to study study and STUDY!!

i feel that he spied on me or something...if not how he know i've not been doing work?? weird

but nvm...i regained my energy again when i meet my dear for dinner and went to shop at COTTON ON :) i bought a dress and my dear bought a top with the $10 i gave

there's THE BODY SHOP sales on level2 at j8....i have a list of goods to buy from there...anyone wanna join me? hehe

shopping keeps me smiling :D

Monday, June 15, 2009

MOnday blues♥

it's a Monday...thank god there's no lesson today :) weets!

i went to dear's house to do some hw....

some of you may think " wa...meichiee so guai sia"

hmm yea...i think i have enjoyed myself over the weekends and i should get down to study mode le...but i just don't feel like doing :(

someone please motivate me!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Beautiful day at the beach♥

My dear brought me to Yuhui's(dear's cg mate) house to celebrate her and dear helped to buy her cake last was the shape of a watermelon...haha so cute lah...

Yuhui! the birthday girl with her cutee watermelon cake!

we share about fasting...what's the definition and dear was so shocked after Eleena(cg leader) told the cell to fast from morning till 2pm on mon...

dats becoz my dear loves eating...he will die if he never eat lah...dats how greedy he is

after that, we rushed to church for service...

after service, my dear ride me home for a good rest before we set out to camp over night at east coast...did i mention that i love the beach?? YES i do love beaches!

I love you baby♥

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Outing with dear ♥

finally it's Saturday!!

My dear bring me on his bike to bugis to shop :) i've been looking for my b'day dress...but to no avail ;( next, i passed by this beauty shop and did my eyebrows! i love my new eyebrows now ♥

e-mail or tag me if u wanna know the location:) and it costs only $8!!

after that, we went to the IT show at suntec city...but it wasn't as crowded as the last time...btw we met Winson(dear's pri,sec fren) and we met alfred and Yang they all too

and after that, we went to marina square for dinner at Carl's Jr (my favourite!)

the servings are very big, but i finished all of it! i felt so bloated lah...

dats why we went to esplanade open theatre there for a good rest...but we are treated to a band concert instead...i love their songs manmy dear & me :)

my mood today....HAPPY :D

Friday, June 12, 2009


today i had lessons from 8-12.30pm straight and continue from 1.30 to 3.45pm....haiz...

i have to rush back home and get changed to meet my friend (ex-bf actually)

he treat me to pizza hut :)) which is my favourite! and he got me a Charles & Keith bag....just as what i wanted for my b'day!! I'm so happy lah....i also take this time to catch up with him about his life and everything...

after window shopping at wisma and far east plaza for my b'day dress, i rush to my bf's bbq....fellowship with his cell mates and get to know them more....and yes, i've agreed to turn up for church service this sun !

What a busy day!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

There are so many things i wanna do before my birthday....

1. get my birthday dress
2. eyebrow embroidery
3. rebond my hair
4. facial

but guess it's pointless to do all these since im schooling....but which girl doesnt want to look pretty on her birthday?


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

this is funny ♥

A 20-yr old pretty, sexy and sensual girl went to see a psychiatrist..

'Doctor, I'm so angry at my boyfriend that I must call him Bastard. I feel that he's gone too far, and he deserves it.'
'Hmm? Such a word is strong and rude. But may be you have your own reasons.

Tell me about it so that I can help you.'

'Yes, thank you, Doctor. There was one night...we parked our car besides the beach and we were alone... and... he held my hand....'
'Did he hold your hand like this?'
'Yes, Doctor. Exactly like how you're holding it now'.
'If it's only this, he doesn't deserve to be called Bastard. It means he doesn't want to be separated from you.'

'Then, he leaned his body towards me... and hugged me...'
'Like this?'
'Yes, Doctor. Exactly like how you're doing.' 'It's not a Bastard. It means he wanna stay forever by your side'

'Then he kissed me...'
'Like this?'
'Yes, Doctor.. Exactly like how you're kissing me..'
'If its only a kiss like this, seriously you can't call him Bastard. It means he adores you.'

'Then he put his hands inside my clothes and touched my boobs, Doc....'
'Like this?'
'Yes, Doctor... exactly like that'
'It's not behavior of a bastard.. It means he wants to protect you.'

'Then he took off all my clothes... slowly...'
'Did you resist?'
'No. I let him do it, coz I love him....'
'Did he take off your clothes like this?'
'Yes, Doctor. Until I'm completely naked like now.......'
'He still doesn't deserve to be called 'Bastard, because it means he wanna learn about your body completely.'

'Then he kissed me and put his.... inside me and had sex with me...'
'........................ '
'Did he do it just like what we do?'
'Yes, Doctor. Exactly the same'
'You still can't call him Bastard. It means he needs you.'

'But then he told me that he has AIDS'

All the staff and patients outside heard the doctor screaming, 'BASTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRD!'

So people out there, dun commit such promiscuous act and get yourself killed instead

Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy 23th month anniversary !

Time really's been 23 months since we confessed our love for each other and promised to stay together forever...

i know that this journey was never easy...

thanks baby for all the love you've given me and the patience you show towards me....

Baby...don't ever doubt my love for have always been the only ONE in my heart♥


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Woohs~ ! what a happy day ♥

i just went for a ride on my uncle's 2 uncles, my aunt and I went to little india there for dinner :)

i feel so free and i love the wind that is flapping on my face....makes me wanna take a walk at the beach!

there are so many things troubling me glad i meet up with my BFF shun hiang this morning at amk library to study...i feel so much better after telling her about all my finally stress free!!

i learnt from her that " Let everything takes its own course" so im willing to wait for results

after that, i went to meet up with my aunt...initially, i was the one who asked her to accompany me to buy my lingerie....

but in the end, i was the one who accompany her...she shop like there's no tomorrow...she bought so many sets of lingerie...duno for what

i was just happy that when my beloved boyfriend was not around, there are my family members who kept me company and chase all loneliness away

I am loved ♥

Friday, June 5, 2009

Ups and Downs

Today Jade Seah came to my sch for an interview on AYG...

she is damn HOT lah! she is super tall and slim....

everyone was scanning her from head to i wish i have her figure...but it sounds impossible );

and today i learnt that " If that someone doesn't even bother about you, just forget it..."

so im not gonna make myself miserable and have high expectations on something that will only happen in fairy tales....

i just feel that god is playing a trick on me....everything happens at the wrong in a dilemma....i
just feel like crying out and shouting at the beach

"this is so unfairrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!"

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Reflections ♥

Today after dance training, I asked my dear to fetch me from sch on his bike coz my right leg was injured and I can't walk properly...and we went for dinner together ;) so sweet

I love doing random on the wayback to the carpark, I drag my bf to's a bra shop btw

haha actually, it was my plan long ago...but didnt thought of really doing it at the moment...i guess i was just abit crazy today :)

i forced my bf to go inside the shop and help me choose 2 sets of lingerie cause they are on sale...GSS rocks!
my bf was so shy till he keep finding excuses to get away! his face was super paiseh...make me laugh like mad...haha

i went home and on my lappy and read people's blogs and facebook...i realised my life is so boring and i dun feel proud of it...i had so many doubts at this point of time...

my bf called me and i told him abt it...wothout a second thought, he said he will meet me immediately and be my listener...seriously, i was very touched at that moment ...

we meet again and i confide in him about my me, everything was complicated. But to him, it was never a problem...he was the key to the lock in my heart...i feel so loved by my boyfriend...i just hide myself in his gives me all the security that i need

Ilove you

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Random stuff about me ♥

Alot of people thought that i bluff them about my i just put this piece of evidence up here to prove that i have very cutee younger brothers and sisters :)

of coz im cute as well! (dun puke lah) don't i look young with them ?? i guess we all don't really look alike...BUT they are really my siblings!! and i love them all ♥

Dear....i am gonna miss you when you are away for waiting for you

Random ♥

I took these photos while waiting for friends to buy movie tickets at amk random lah...and i forgot when i took these pics...last week? last month? last year? sorry...i kinda got this illness called STM!

see you !

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A holiday that is not like a holiday ♥

First week of June

2 June: 8-11am chemistry, 11-6pm dance training, 1-3pm maths

3 June: 8-12pm & 1-3pm chemistry, 11-6pm dance training

4 June: 11-6pm dance training
5 June: 11-6pm dance training

*this post is specially for BUK CHENG who always ask me about lessons

This whole week is about trainings, trainings and trainings ;(

sad to say that my June holidays schedule is so packed till im so breathless now T_T

Im just worried i can't catch up with the rest when i come back from training and my up-coming Asian Youth Games Opening Ceremony performance :)

Actually, Im very excited about it....but everyone has to make sacrifices in order to achieve something great right? dear...must rmb to encourage me k?

Do contact me if you want the AYG opening ceremony preview tickets :)

okie...i gtg zzZ....see you

Monday, June 1, 2009

Yeah! it's first day of June ♥

it's 23 days to my 19th Birthday ;)

can't wait for surprises man...haha (my dear must be worrying now)


1. LV bag/Prada wallet
2. diamond necklace
3. ipod nano/itouch
4. a new handphone
5. a bouquet of red roses
6. Charles&Keith bag
7. chocolates !

i saw these chocolates while shopping around with yee hua after school...they are so pretty lah!

the first pic is the LV printed chocolate cute~ hope to get one on my bday ;)

but i guess most of my wishes won't be granted anyway....but just put up here for fun! :) cheers*