Sunday, October 2, 2011

Timbre & Kong Kong Cafe

Went to Timbre the day that I just came back from Bintan :) I love to hang out at Timbre coz I love live band music and listening to music is my love♥ Slacking and relaxing at such places is what I love to do :)

 me and Baby
 don't know where I'm looking at...I look lost
 With the girls : Me, Emily, Bernice and Chloe :)

 I ordered Mango Sunrise coz my fav Sex on the beach and Lychee martini was ordered by the rest

 the girls tried the tequila shots out of curiosity...haha
 Chloe the brave girl :)
looks cui...HAHA
throat burning sensation
Timbre chicken wings :) yummy
 Listening to the nice music :) I didn't know my hair was this freaking long till I see this photo...haha
 after drinking, we went to Hong Kong Cafe at Kovan for supper :)
 couple, ang siang and shu ting ordering food
 Chloe gave me a shock with that smile! hard to explain why...haha

love this emotion-less photo of me

 being "weight-conscious" I ordered Milo only and had 2 mouths of porridge :)
 Ang Siang's $11 Kway Teow...LOL
Baby had Iced Milo...interesting cup right?? hehehe

Stay tune for the upcoming Bintan photos k??? I'm mad eggcited!!!

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