Sunday, October 2, 2011

Before leaving for Bintan

Baby took me to the movies just days before I leave for Bintan, Indonesia. We watched Johnny English Reborn! :) funny to the max! was laughing all the way from the show starts till the ending...haha Well, we catch the movie at AMK hub at $6 per ticket! not only that, they gave us free drinks each!! good deal right?? hehe Baby and I are happy :) enjoy the photos yea? ;)

 the free drinks :)

 after that, we went to AMK S-11 to have this famous western food at " Rasa Sayang Western Food"
 my fav chicken chop! :) been eating from that stall since childhood
 bought soguru at the event "Big Bang" in school after class :)
 Me and Baby went to Bugis to get a set of bikini for the photoshoot at Bintan...this was taken just the day before I leave :)

 my dory baked rice!
Baby's meatballs spaghetti :)

I've more to upload about the events I went to for the past few days...
Stay tune for tmr upcoming posts k??

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