Monday, October 24, 2011

Alfred 21st Birthday!! ♥

Hi readers! It's been quite a while :) I just finished my Business Finance paper today...WOHOO! It's the module that I feared the most...and it's over!! hahaha so I'm in the mood to blog ;) 

2 days ago, me and my sec sch friends went to GT restaurant located at Serangoon Ave 2 Block 151 to celebrate Alfred's 21st Birthday! :) my kor's friend open de shop...the food there is superb! you guys should go try! :D back to topic, total of 17 people attended the party! Mad excited :D it's been quite some time since we met liao...
 happy girl!!♥

 me and Angela :)
After dinner, as usual, we go to Marina in cars and stuff...nearly bang into 3 cars that day...but I love it! It's so thrilling!!

 hais...everytime they gather to talk about either girls or cars :/
 Birhday boy in blue :)
 Pre-smash cake time!
 there's a corporate event at Marina Barrage! nice DJ music and atmosphere♥ See the words "Kouflow"?
End post with a sweet smile :) cheers!


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