Thursday, October 27, 2011

© Darwis Photography

PS: I did this photoshoot in 15mins! This time, I'm working with Darwis, who is a photographer working at a large Sg media company. I'll be doing a fashion shoot with him too...which is coming very soon! So stay tune readers!♥ :)


Monday, October 24, 2011

Alfred 21st Birthday!! ♥

Hi readers! It's been quite a while :) I just finished my Business Finance paper today...WOHOO! It's the module that I feared the most...and it's over!! hahaha so I'm in the mood to blog ;) 

2 days ago, me and my sec sch friends went to GT restaurant located at Serangoon Ave 2 Block 151 to celebrate Alfred's 21st Birthday! :) my kor's friend open de shop...the food there is superb! you guys should go try! :D back to topic, total of 17 people attended the party! Mad excited :D it's been quite some time since we met liao...
 happy girl!!♥

 me and Angela :)
After dinner, as usual, we go to Marina in cars and stuff...nearly bang into 3 cars that day...but I love it! It's so thrilling!!

 hais...everytime they gather to talk about either girls or cars :/
 Birhday boy in blue :)
 Pre-smash cake time!
 there's a corporate event at Marina Barrage! nice DJ music and atmosphere♥ See the words "Kouflow"?
End post with a sweet smile :) cheers!


Saturday, October 15, 2011


Yeah!! Finally I made time for shopping!
 I was supposed to get my MAC make up at the flea at The Cathay. But they didn't have what I wanted though :( feel so disappointed...and then me and baby went to PS to fill out empty stomach! :) we dine at Pastamania before going to Carl Jr, which was my fav eatery last time.

 this is my all time favourite!! Beef chilli cheese fries from Carl's Jr !♥♥♥
Hey guys,
I'm currently studying hard for my exams right now...feel so stressed out :( I hope you guys can be nice to me by writing in to give your encouragement or anything that cheers me ok? Love you guys♥


Thursday, October 13, 2011

When I grow up...

Hey I'm gonna share with you my dreams and what I wanted my life to be...It's easier than answering the question faced by your teachers, parents, friends which is 
" What you want to do next time when you grow up? "
Normally, the way people answer this question has every bit to do with how to earn good money. For me, it never have been that way. Because I know my life is more than that.

 I want to travel to every different part of the world sight-seeing and also learn about how the locals define happiness and success. Most importantly, I wanna leave a mark on people's heart in different parts of the world so that I was once in memory :) That's how I arrive at the idea of being an air stewardess when I grow up...haha it sounds easy but hard to accomplish right? I know...but in order to do all these, I've got to earn some money, which doesn't come down from the tree you know? Just one advice for you guys...

NEVER betray yourself because of money.

I hope I make it clear to you guys. Firstly, you'll totally lose yourself as a person. You will start to do things which doesn't matter to you anymore and you gonna keep doing this till you make it a 'bad habit'. At the end of the day, you will not know who you are. Secondly, you will end up being a nobody even though you can afford luxury goods and stuff. Thirdly, you have to hide from this world and fake your life in front of your friends and family which can be quite miserable. Thanks for listening to my rants and hope that you guys will make the wise choice next time and grow to be a person that you are and lead a meaningful life :)


Monday, October 10, 2011

Personalised Version © 2011 Todd Beltz Photography

Note: These photos that some of my personal favourites and they are exclusive and not all are available on my facebook portfolio. Do enjoy viewing the photos & I hope it brings the real me to you guys :)

I've received alot of positive comments and that I'm very happy to know that many of you support me in this modelling line. I will work hard and bring you more beautiful pics and hope you guys will continue to support me! Thank you so much!!! Love you guys!♥♥♥


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thank you for your support! ♥♥♥

Thank you readers for your support!!!
The posts of the photo shoot at Bintan has a readership of 1000 views!!
I can't thank you guys enough! I know u guys are excited about the photo shoot photos that I took at Bintan! Pls go to my facebook(on your right sidebar) & view them!! Pls like the photos as well if u really liked them!
Thank you once again!!! 

With lots of love,

H&M and M&M !! ♥

FINALLY! I met up with Julia, who is my good friend for so long. I know her since secondary 1 and since we lived few blocks away, we've been walking to school everyday for 4 years! and we are also in the same class for 4 years! hehe...then we moved on to the same Junior College! and walked to school everyday for another 2 years ;) hehehe she's my walk-to-sch buddy for 6 years alr! So I'm really really happy to see her again after being in a university for 1.5 years :) 
 went to Xin Wang HK cafe for lunch :)
 cute hur?
cam-whoring ♥

 ordered home made barley drink!

 we ordered the same food ^^
 there's a Sticky candy shop newly opened at cineleisure! I'm a happy girl!!
 RAINBOW !!! ♥♥♥

 with YEO! also know him for quite long...he is the boss of the push cart which sells the very popular colourful watches!
 Went to H&M for shopping!!! my first visit there leh...

 so happy with our loots! :D
 went on to the link between wisma and ngee ann city and saw this candy shop!I feel like a kid again!
 lolliepop tree! SO CUTE~~~!
candy stick!

 decided to take a rest...happy feets!
Nice matching nail polish right?? hahaha

See you guys again!!