Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ladies night at Arena!

Believe it anot, this is actually the first time I went clubbing on my own. Alot of people have the misconception that I'm the sort of ah lian who go clubbing, smoke and scold vulgarity etc. I don't really blame them coz my appearance makes people think so. Anyway, I'm here to share with you my virgin club experience! :) Enjoy :)
 went there after work with Marie
 Marie's brother :)
 me and the guys...they are all family of Marie
 Ordered drinks and sitting at the VIP table ^^ CHEERS
 looking at?
me and the vodka bottle
my favourite LYCHEE MARTINI!!!
had quite alot of glasses of alcohol, but I wasn't drunk at all...just a little bit tipsy...and clubbing is not as scary as you think...It's a ladies night and 95% of them are actually ladies! hahaha so fun to be there to enjoy with so many hot and fun ladies ;) I want to go club again!!

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