Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jeff's Birthday !!

Went to Serenity Park condominium after work to attend Jeffery's birthday party :) met new friends again and I'm really happy to have more true friends :D I didnt put on make up and hence the dull complexion :(
jeff, me and d-ca bebe
  posing in the swimming pool toilet

 full body shot!
Oops! I forgot to introduce...Marie aka apol is the one in pink...so short and cute >.< but I Love Her
at Jeff's house for second part of the celebration :) see the food? I'm becoming fatter :(
hahaha...my sister used to comment " Jie, why you never hang out with friends?" Then I thought...maybe I spent too much time on my bf, and thats why didnt have time for friends...but from today onwards, I'll spend more time with my friends :)


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