Sunday, June 26, 2011


Hey readers :) I've just finished reply all the bday wishes on my fb wall :)'s like...160 of them? or maybe more than that if im not wrong....and I took time to read every single of them :) and I reply each and everyone of them sincerely :) as you realised almost everyone has different reply :D 
Hope you guys know that I truly appreciate your blessings! I hereby blessed all of you to be happy each single day! hehehe Today is the end of my bday celebration, and tmr i'll be going back to work :( will upload and update my bloggy soon after I finished my work assignment this mid July :) or maybe during my off days....
Actually, out of so many people I thanked...I specially wanna thank this special person in my life....this person dear boyfriend<3 He is the one who helped me do all the things I requested to be done for my bdy...if not, my party would not be a success...
Thanks for all the hard work you've put in...although we quarreled alot through the process, but our strong love make us conquer everything :) I Love You very much and forever will...


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