Thursday, June 30, 2011

Just Acia!!

Yeeppy!! Finally me and Baby went to Just Acia again after so long....was waiting for baby to end exam and we are suppose to meet at dhoby ghaut....then I decided to stop at Just Acia to have my lunch :) good food yummy yummy :D love the food over there and there's FREE FLOW DRINKS & DESSERTS!!! hehehe you guys must pop by one day and enjoy the food there k?

baby studying real hard while waiting for the food

 baby is an ice cream boy ^^

 finally my food arrived!

I seriously wanna get a new camera and take more photos of myself! wait till I get a new camera and I'll be more than happy to upload all the yummy pictures for you guys to view ;)

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Hey readers :) I've just finished reply all the bday wishes on my fb wall :)'s like...160 of them? or maybe more than that if im not wrong....and I took time to read every single of them :) and I reply each and everyone of them sincerely :) as you realised almost everyone has different reply :D 
Hope you guys know that I truly appreciate your blessings! I hereby blessed all of you to be happy each single day! hehehe Today is the end of my bday celebration, and tmr i'll be going back to work :( will upload and update my bloggy soon after I finished my work assignment this mid July :) or maybe during my off days....
Actually, out of so many people I thanked...I specially wanna thank this special person in my life....this person dear boyfriend<3 He is the one who helped me do all the things I requested to be done for my bdy...if not, my party would not be a success...
Thanks for all the hard work you've put in...although we quarreled alot through the process, but our strong love make us conquer everything :) I Love You very much and forever will...


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jeff's Birthday !!

Went to Serenity Park condominium after work to attend Jeffery's birthday party :) met new friends again and I'm really happy to have more true friends :D I didnt put on make up and hence the dull complexion :(
jeff, me and d-ca bebe
  posing in the swimming pool toilet

 full body shot!
Oops! I forgot to introduce...Marie aka apol is the one in short and cute >.< but I Love Her
at Jeff's house for second part of the celebration :) see the food? I'm becoming fatter :( sister used to comment " Jie, why you never hang out with friends?" Then I thought...maybe I spent too much time on my bf, and thats why didnt have time for friends...but from today onwards, I'll spend more time with my friends :)


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ladies night at Arena!

Believe it anot, this is actually the first time I went clubbing on my own. Alot of people have the misconception that I'm the sort of ah lian who go clubbing, smoke and scold vulgarity etc. I don't really blame them coz my appearance makes people think so. Anyway, I'm here to share with you my virgin club experience! :) Enjoy :)
 went there after work with Marie
 Marie's brother :)
 me and the guys...they are all family of Marie
 Ordered drinks and sitting at the VIP table ^^ CHEERS
 looking at?
me and the vodka bottle
my favourite LYCHEE MARTINI!!!
had quite alot of glasses of alcohol, but I wasn't drunk at all...just a little bit tipsy...and clubbing is not as scary as you think...It's a ladies night and 95% of them are actually ladies! hahaha so fun to be there to enjoy with so many hot and fun ladies ;) I want to go club again!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

LV dream came true!!

This must be one of the best moment of my life....I've finally got my LV BAG!!!!
OMGOSH~~~! I'm really a happy girl ^^ My aunt and her boyfriend accompanied me to Ion Louis Vuitton boutique to get my LV :D It was actually my 21st present from them and Baby :) Let's let the pictures do the talking...
Tin Pei Ling wannabe :) (although I hate her)
aunt and her bf
me and my aunt :)

my next target is actually LV...not Prada...Prada bags are too plain and costs 2-5 times as expensive as LV
happy girl on the way home :)
did I mention my aunt is merely 4 years older than me? wuahahahahahahaha so young wor

solo shots

didn't had any food coz I was too eggcited for my LV ^^ hungry me decided to have my meal at Mac
that's all folks!
P.S: I can't help it if you think I'm materialistic, at least I can be one

Will update soon! Love you readers !

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Joan 20th Birthday!

Yeah! Me and my JC friends finally met up at dhoby Pastamania for dinner to celebrate one of the 5 of us, Joan's birthday :) She has helped me so much in my studies during my JC life and I am really glad to meet friends like her :) 
me and birthday girl :)
Jennifer and Esther :)
Joan ordered this dish and named it "the many sausage pasta" haha
I ordered a signature dish Ham and sausage baked rice :) it's awesome! I'll be back for more of the baked rice....sorry for the short post coz I was too hungry to take photos...will update more next time k?

Friday, June 3, 2011

Movieeee & Chomp Chomp! ♥

Yeeeps! We finally went to catch movie after so many historical monthss...Baby booked the tickets for Pirates of the Caribbean early coz the tickets were selling like hot cakes...lucky for us, we've got couple seats! we head to AMK Hub to catch our movie :)))

me in my new nude romper! Love this romper ttm!
my fav photo of the day :)

smile ;)

saw this at mini toons and I love it alot!
Baby took the chance to snap photo of me when I'm shopping coz I totally ignored him

on the bus from amk interchange to Chomp Chomp! my fav eating place
drinking my fav sugar cane juice

wearing the pink bangle that I just got from cotton on at amk hub ^^
love my new nail colour!

food !!!

after that, we went to dessert bowl to have our dessert! my fav is....aiyu mango
Baby's fav durian moose

this sentence really brightens me up :)
hehehe...thank you for reading my bloggy ^^ see ya soon!