Friday, May 28, 2010

Wild Wild Wet!!!

Yeah~! Today i decided to organise a trip to Wild Wild Wet tgt with my 2 siblings and my beloved Baby :) my small sister couldnt join us coz she is away in Korea for 6 days...HEHE this is the first time Im bringing my siblings out with Baby :)
my small brother is only pri 3...sooo cute :)
we didnt manage to take photos inside wild wild wet but we had alot of fun! we head to fish&co for dinner as my small little brother is very hungry
LOL i keep laughing at this photo...coz my brother look so serious while playing with Baby's itouch
my small brother is so engrossed in my Baby's itouch, he dont even bother taking photo with us :( haha but kids are liddat...once they have smth to play, nothing you said can get into their head...
WOOTS~! Im really tired from all the playing! Off to bed now~ Nights

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