Sunday, May 23, 2010

Concert,Food Marathon!

Yeah~! Today i went to Redrain's concert at Heart of God Church with Baby :)
before that, we went to MS walk around and eat beff chilli cheese fries at Carl Jr...SUPER SHIOK! HEHE i get to meet my Baby's polytechnic classmates :) I'm so happy that everything turn out well and im more well-known as his girlfriend :D I feel so attached to my bf ;) I LOVE YOU BABY ♥
oh my...i look really fair compared to my Baby
after the concert, we took pictures outside Paya Lebar building :)
my Baby make the effort to style himself up today :)) I really love guys who know how to doll up themselves
after the concert, we head to Serangoon CHOMP CHOMP there to eat stingray,kang kong,rice and sugarcane juice as usual! WA...super shiok sia! I get to eat all my fav food in a day! Not only that, we still went to Desert Bowl to have MangoPomelo tgt with Baby's sec sch friends :))) What a happy DAY!

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