Friday, May 21, 2010

Today I felt really bored and sian coz of the stupid hot weather...that's why i don't wish to go out...hai i cancelled my bff's outing today :( but i went to my bf's house instead...he emo-ing and refuses to do his work and stone the whole day at home bcoz of me,thats why i went right to his house to company him...
We had fun together doing things couples do,watching funny youtube videos etc. I really feel very in love with him...after that,we sent his small brother to tuition near his house and i joined his family for dinner although it wasn't my plan...his elder sis is my schmate and hence i at least got smth to talk about. But this has bring me and his parents closer a step :)) I feel really very happy
His parents didn't approve of us together at first coz they want him to study hard...thats why i need to make them believe in me that i won't mislead their son, my bf. However, i really felt inferior when his sis keep talking about the local uni and im stupid enough to be in SIM or smth.
After dinner, me and my bf went to eat ice-cream and pick his brother up from tuition centre. I told my bf "Next time, you'll pick our kid from the tuition centre" He just smile and gave me a kiss. I know he never think till that far coz of his maturity. But i really hope to be with him forever....

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