Wednesday, May 19, 2010

First Monthsary♥♥♥!!

YEAH~! Finally we are 1 month old!! We head to Sumerset coz my Baby going to get my monthsary present for me :) HEHE then after that, we head to Cineleisure to watch "The Last Song" together♥
while waiting for our movie to start, we pose and take photos first :D
I love my Baby's smile in this photo♥♥
looking sweet together♥
Baby, can i have a kiss?
Happy ever after♥♥
Baby force me to make stupid face...and i gave him this!
I am a happy girl :)
my 16 year-old bf behaving like a kid...BANG BANG!
too sweet till i cant sleep at night ^^
My monthsary card from Baby^^ a BIG ♥ for me:D
my Baby is sooo sweet...
he bought for me bras from my fav lingerie shop LA SENZA!!
I love the crystal on the bra♥♥♥
Thank you for loving me so much...knowing you is a blessing to me.I am really happy being with you...thanks for cheering me up and always never fail to keep a smile on my face :D I really hope to be with you FOREVER...

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