Friday, May 28, 2010

Wild Wild Wet!!!

Yeah~! Today i decided to organise a trip to Wild Wild Wet tgt with my 2 siblings and my beloved Baby :) my small sister couldnt join us coz she is away in Korea for 6 days...HEHE this is the first time Im bringing my siblings out with Baby :)
my small brother is only pri 3...sooo cute :)
we didnt manage to take photos inside wild wild wet but we had alot of fun! we head to fish&co for dinner as my small little brother is very hungry
LOL i keep laughing at this photo...coz my brother look so serious while playing with Baby's itouch
my small brother is so engrossed in my Baby's itouch, he dont even bother taking photo with us :( haha but kids are liddat...once they have smth to play, nothing you said can get into their head...
WOOTS~! Im really tired from all the playing! Off to bed now~ Nights

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Today I went to Baby's house after his sch ends...Baby is so sweet to come and pick me up from Bishan >.< Im so loved!♥ after lunching at his house, we went to town again coz Baby got $30 in his Topman card and he must use it by this week...HAHA then i shun bian go see see my things :))
I swear my eyes can only go this big!
do alot of stupid faces :)
I love this photo of myself very much!
dont know what my Baby doing...sleeping on water?? He is fantasizing himself as a mermaid i think...
hehe I really love my Baby lots!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Heyy readers
Im finally back with the updates!! These days I've been spending quite lot of time on my siblings since my small sister is away to Korea for 6 days...I had alot of fun...I really love my life! :))
25 May
Baby and I went to town area to shop and we head to soup spoon for our dinner :)
my all time favourite! Beef Gollage*i think i spell wrongly
with tuna mayo sandwich :) yum yum
this was before i had my hair dyed
im happy to spend every moment of my life with you Baby ♥

26 May
I head down to far east plaza alone just to dye hair...Baby not free today :( so i had to come alone
actually i wasnt satisfied with the hair colour...and good news is...i am going to re-dye my hair :) hopefully, i will get the colour i want this time :)))

Look out for my new hair colour in the next post! Pls comment too! Thanks! :))

ION orchard :)

I went out with Baby ytd to ION orchard for gai gai :D HEHE then head down to Soup Spoon for dinner...will upload photos soon...coz the bluetooth connection damn bad today...
As we were looking around, Baby saw this high waist shorts at Far East...I WANT I WANT!! i prefer the dark denim one :)
I love this top too!! So sweet looking :) there are alot of other very nice tops available at this blogshop!! So what are you waiting for??
Go to myrosebullet for more!

Monday, May 24, 2010

My wants!♥♥

WOOHSSS~! Time really's exactly one month away from my 20th BIRTHDAY!! YES!!
Today Baby is busy so we didnt meet up today...but I got smth to share with u guys...
I saw this damn CHIO Bleached Denim Shorts online!!
Coz it's really cool and i can pair it with any top and i still wont look girly !

I also want to get this Chiffon FloralxPolka Dots Crop Top! Just nice for this summer season! (S'pore is summer all year round btw-.-)  if you like it too, check out their collections at

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Concert,Food Marathon!

Yeah~! Today i went to Redrain's concert at Heart of God Church with Baby :)
before that, we went to MS walk around and eat beff chilli cheese fries at Carl Jr...SUPER SHIOK! HEHE i get to meet my Baby's polytechnic classmates :) I'm so happy that everything turn out well and im more well-known as his girlfriend :D I feel so attached to my bf ;) I LOVE YOU BABY ♥
oh my...i look really fair compared to my Baby
after the concert, we took pictures outside Paya Lebar building :)
my Baby make the effort to style himself up today :)) I really love guys who know how to doll up themselves
after the concert, we head to Serangoon CHOMP CHOMP there to eat stingray,kang kong,rice and sugarcane juice as usual! WA...super shiok sia! I get to eat all my fav food in a day! Not only that, we still went to Desert Bowl to have MangoPomelo tgt with Baby's sec sch friends :))) What a happy DAY!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Today I felt really bored and sian coz of the stupid hot weather...that's why i don't wish to go out...hai i cancelled my bff's outing today :( but i went to my bf's house instead...he emo-ing and refuses to do his work and stone the whole day at home bcoz of me,thats why i went right to his house to company him...
We had fun together doing things couples do,watching funny youtube videos etc. I really feel very in love with him...after that,we sent his small brother to tuition near his house and i joined his family for dinner although it wasn't my plan...his elder sis is my schmate and hence i at least got smth to talk about. But this has bring me and his parents closer a step :)) I feel really very happy
His parents didn't approve of us together at first coz they want him to study hard...thats why i need to make them believe in me that i won't mislead their son, my bf. However, i really felt inferior when his sis keep talking about the local uni and im stupid enough to be in SIM or smth.
After dinner, me and my bf went to eat ice-cream and pick his brother up from tuition centre. I told my bf "Next time, you'll pick our kid from the tuition centre" He just smile and gave me a kiss. I know he never think till that far coz of his maturity. But i really hope to be with him forever....


I'm so happy today^^ My baby suddenly called me and jio me out to this wonderful water fun place!!!I've never been to Wild Wild Wet and this kinda place so that's why I feel so excited!
OMG look at this huge building with different slide level! I love going to the highest one! Darm fun!
And this is for the small kids who wants to play hide-and-seek or catching^^
Pardon me for the few photos coz i forgot i got bring camera...LOL anw i had great fun with my Baby today
See you soon :D

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

First Monthsary♥♥♥!!

YEAH~! Finally we are 1 month old!! We head to Sumerset coz my Baby going to get my monthsary present for me :) HEHE then after that, we head to Cineleisure to watch "The Last Song" together♥
while waiting for our movie to start, we pose and take photos first :D
I love my Baby's smile in this photo♥♥
looking sweet together♥
Baby, can i have a kiss?
Happy ever after♥♥
Baby force me to make stupid face...and i gave him this!
I am a happy girl :)
my 16 year-old bf behaving like a kid...BANG BANG!
too sweet till i cant sleep at night ^^
My monthsary card from Baby^^ a BIG ♥ for me:D
my Baby is sooo sweet...
he bought for me bras from my fav lingerie shop LA SENZA!!
I love the crystal on the bra♥♥♥
Thank you for loving me so much...knowing you is a blessing to me.I am really happy being with you...thanks for cheering me up and always never fail to keep a smile on my face :D I really hope to be with you FOREVER...