Monday, March 1, 2010

Interview,shopping& movie♥

I went to New Tech Park for my interview today...thanks DJ for accompany me:)) stupid taxi driver cheat my money...he took a longer route and i need to rush to the office...bloody uncle! I think i was too stressed...the interview didn't end up well...hai...anw i didnt expect that company to hire me too..
after interview, we head off to amk to buy movie tickets for the movie "Dear John" and head off to Mac for breakfast...the movie is really very touching especially about the relationship between loved ones...i nearly cried...after that, we head down to orchard to shop! first stop is Cotton On! hehe i did alot of shopping today..feel really we chill out at Starbucks :))
that's all about today...

Thank you for making me smile all these make me a brave girl

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