Sunday, February 28, 2010

I cant really remember very clearly wad i did for the past few days...but i've just decided to update my blog only once in a while coz i want to have some privacy in my life...for the past few days, i went to watch movie with my FINALLY! coz she just finished her exams and 2 weeks later,she's gonna start her internship alr! how time flies...i really miss her alot...and also i've been playing basketball with DJ since he's quite good at it...and i can get to exercise and lose some fats these days :)
just to let you relationship is on the rocks now and im still recovering from it...luckily DJ is there to cheer me up by bringing me to Ben&Jerry's!
yum yum! really nervous about my interview on's by an US MNC....a very good company...dats what im really worried about...coz of their high expectations and all...lastly, my A level results will be released on 5 March next so stressed this and next week!!!

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