Friday, December 18, 2009

Just not right.


I've just reached home from office...been slacking from work recently because i start to find my working life there is meaningless...i just find something missing from my not as happy as before...i feel stress whenever i reached office bcoz i scare to lose to new comers who are under going training...they r from better JCs and they are AS KIASU AS IN SCHOOL! FUCKING annoying!!! sick of this kinda ppl in my sch and now i have to face this kinda of ppl at my workplace!! hai...and my trainer doesnt teach me as much things as other trainers...i feel so lousy T.T to make it worse,my bf is one of the highest position people in the company...and being his gf is not something glorious about...i faced sarcastic comments from his colleages who looked down on me...

and the thing is...i've not earn any money yet! my singtel line just kena cut off coz i got outstanding balance...i really need money is my mom's birthday and i couldnt even buy her a gift ;( and i miss my friends and my work is taking everything away from just not happy

the main reason i work there is to see my bf everyday...but the situation is that he is always busy doing his things and left no time for me...and when i say smth sweet, he just gave me a very sarcastic face and said "here is office,can you dont do this?" im like "WTH fine!" been so sad these days...and im still SICK!! bloody sickness! i hope J will talk to me again. I miss you.

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