Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009...

Today is the last day of 2009 already...any resolutions?? I think this year has been quite a tough year for terms of studies, friends and bgr and lately,i've been facing financial problems. i've been struggling with these few things this year...i guess i really need to be more mature le...hai 6 more months to hitting the big 2...i know i have to grow up and stop whining in front of my small siblings to get them to do smth for me...haha...okie enough talking...

So what's your plan today to welcome year 2010?? For me, this morning i've been sleeping..and my project manager decided to let me handle verification calls last minute and handed me all the forms this morning! actually 2 nights before, he mentioned about this b4...i tot he was just jk....but he really mean it! from now onwards i will never treat anything he said as a joke alr  =.= I'm paid $8 per hour and i've been doing my job for the whole afternoon on a new year eve :( yup

waiting for Baby at amk interchange to go to Shaggy's house for steamboat

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