Sunday, November 8, 2009

Late Update

This may be the most memorable day for me because it was the last date of me and my bf Joshua.

Just wanna say I'll always be there for you no matter what

Im really sorry for hurting you I just want to be fair to you

I rather hurt you now than when in future where things are so different and you might get hurt even more

I'm sorry my love

me and dear ordered this waffle :) it tastes great!

the birthdday boy Alfred!

alfred n winson

the totally transformed Yang and b'day boy

Happy 19th Birthday!!!
after cut-cake ceremony, dear brought me to ASTONS for a romantic dinner:))

my sweet baby


check out my second chio pair of fake lashes!

happy when there is good food :))

I  Still Love You Baby

Just gimme some time...

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