Saturday, November 28, 2009

Flooded with my photos!


it's been long since i went to the beach...i love the sound of the splashing waves...
and i love the wind patting on my feels so great to be here mother earth...Joshua bring me there on his bike:) been so long since i sit on his bike for long trip

just wanna showcase my lovely ribbon :)))

i think Joshua is really photogenic...he looks good in every photo:)

i just bought this pair of grey contact lens from tpy ;)

after Joshua send me home, i stay at home for 3 hours before baby pick me up...he's always late...
i HATE people who make me wait for them without telling me they'll be late...i cant tolerate ppl who are bring me to thomson road for supper...we were holding hands walking down the dim-lighted pavement...duno why...we were both so solemn and quiet...
took these photos when i reached home at 1 plus...

this is my fav photo!

why the person i love don't appreciate me? why i don't appreciate him even though i know deep down my heart he is the best? it's hurting me badly ;(

wore this dress for my date...the lovely ribbon i tied

the reason im still going out with Joshua is because i wanna go out with him as his good takes time for him to accept me as his friend again...i hope people out there try to understand and not call him 'stupid' or 'foolish' for being with a girl who dumped him...well to me, he's not a rubbish to be dumped...he's a treasure...the truth is that he is too good for me as a bf...and i also hope you people dun judge me from a third party angle...relationship stuff is complicated...i just want to pursuit what i want....
isn't it scary when u know the person you loved all these while is actually not the one that you really want in your life or someone who don't suit u? do you want to regret one day not giving someone a chance?
i've always been a person who doesn't want to regret anything in my life...i hope all my friends and Joshua's friends will understand...thank you

Goodnight dear readers

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