Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm so busy these days
i'm fully booked by my friends and i need to attend alot of gatherings...tmr i'll be having my LAST A level paper!!! Woohs~! So happy man :))) and i will be celebrating my first monthsary with my Baby ^^

i bought his present today at Tangs...costs me a bomb but it's worth it :) today i met a pervert uncle while shopping...he followed me from 3rd floor to 1st floor...i called security guard and he disappeared...and then the security guard follow me whenever i go...feel so protected :) but i met another 2 ang mohs who stalked me from 1st floor to 2nd floor...luckily the security guard was there to protect me...i was so terrified and i decided to go home immediately...WTH i was STALKED in a high class shopping centre! wad a horrible experience

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