Monday, August 31, 2009

Movie dating shopping♥♥

Hi people! this is me blogging at my bf's house...
dats how i look at home unglam
i went to ION orchard ytd with my BFF and i bought this cute little piggy mirror from artbox :)
so kawaii~
there's a mini comb inside!

Dear bring me to AMK hub for a movie ;) it's a comedy btw....i would rate it 3.5 stars!
posing before 'opening ceremony' ;)
dear is so hungry...yum!
dear feeling happy after first bite :)
i love Carl Jr!

we went to MS carl jr for today's dating :)
love my baby :)
i saw these cute toys that can move around! so cute lah!
minnie mouse ;)
this is another kawaii softoy ;)
so cuteeeeeeeeeeee~

that's all folks! update you again soon :)

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