Friday, August 21, 2009

Preliminary Exams

i have had my H1 GP papers and my H2 ECONOMICS P2 on monday...
hmm i have abit of confidence in myself though...haha scare to hope for so much :)

im also done with my H2 MATH P1 and H2 CHEM P3 :D

what i've done lately is to accompany my ah gong who came all the way from Malaysia to have a holiday as the eldest grandchild, i should be a good host...

but i'm having my prelim exams...kinda stressed up with my time management and everything...

i'm also frustrated because im having problems with this idiotic blogger ....i cant upload photos!!

hmm...i just wanna thank my bf for accompany me to study and thank god(which ever god coz im a free thinker) for the good relationship with my friends :) i even make new good so blessed !

thats all folks! will blog soon...

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