Friday, January 27, 2012

Helipad @ Swissotel !

I went to Helipad ytd :) It's been a month since I clubbed or party and I thought I might want to go Helipad for the first time. There is a club called "New Asia" on the 70th floor of Swissotel The Stamford Hotel...and from there, you take a stairs to the rooftop where you can have an amazing view of Singapore! And btw, Helipad is actually a place for helicopters to land on and the area is only opened on the last Thursday of every month! So I'm so glad to be there that night! :D
amazing view
the wind is so strong on the rooftop!
I love the light stands around the corners of the rooftop! How to not camwhore??
another amazing view of the MBS, Flyer & the floating platform
Goddess has fallen to Earth! 
This has got to be my favourite photo of the day!!! 
even the washroom is so well decorated! they have this area for the ladies to do their make-up
another fav portrait of me! 
I had a great experience at Helipad!!! I want to go there again!! Love the strong wind and the amazing night city view ♥  I just did a photoshoot at The Scarlet Hotel this morning! I'm super happy about the beautiful pictures I took!! Stay tuned for more pictures k?



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