Sunday, January 1, 2012

Countdown 2012!! ♥

Hey guys!!! Where did you go for the countdown party?? I went to La barra di Vino at Clarke Quay area for my party! I was suppose to head down to St. James Power Station but heard it was super packed and there might be raid by the I went to somewhere less crowded...But eventually I went to 3 places in total!! LOL haha I'm super party animal and I won't go home till I'm done havocing! hehehe :) I hope all of you had fun as well and welcome 2012 with open arms! woohoo~!
 me and Merilyn
 she was there for a competition and I went there to show my support ;)
 me again
 Barry is super shag...I'm sure you can tell

 Barry, Merilyn, James and ME!
 Jaws, James, ME & Merilyn

 Let's get the party started!
 hotties on the dance floor
 we were actually dancing on a speaker!! with just a small square area...
Love this picture! ♥♥♥
Hope everyone had fun and make sure your safety comes first k?
Goodbye 2011, WELCOME 2012 ! 

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