Tuesday, January 31, 2012

SFM CNY Gathering!! ♥

I went for the cny gathering at Barry's studio! It was my first time visiting the newly renovated third level of the place :) hehe good to see familiar faces again...
small adults
I got my first ban luck! :D
yu sheng time!
colourful ingredients :)
mixing them together
my face damn epic sia
big messy yu sheng HAHA
yummy! :)

my mouth full of food...greedy me caught in action!
I got no idea at all
me and ricky..also SIM student HEHE
cheeky Barry...hahaha
me and Hope (希望)
me and James (doughnut) 
Group photo!
I was made a criminal
criminal with the number plate " :( "
went to club at Shanghai Dolly after that! I will post my cny celebration post soon ^^ Stay tuned...


Monday, January 30, 2012

Photoshoot @ The Scarlet Hotel!

This is another shoot I did...this time it's at The Scarlet Hotel...personally it's my favourite because of its gorgeous and classy rooms :) I'm glad to be able to shoot in such a nice hotel ;) 
the bed
I love this comfy arm bench! So comfy~~
love this chair as well!
happy girl! :D
love my facial expression 
classy lamps beside the washroom mirror...wow
HAHA...this is left by a model who shoot the day before...Next up, CNY post !! Stay tuned ;)


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Photoshoot at Swissotel!

This post is to show how Swissotel hotel room looks like...haha nothing much to comment...I went there to do a lingerie shoot with a local photographer...and why I mentioned local? Coz this is the first time I'm working with a local photographer one-to-one shoot :)
I did the shoot in the morning :)
breath-taking view
Next up...photoshoot at The Scarlet Hotel! Stay tuned!!
