Monday, June 28, 2010

Just Acia!♥

Hello readers!
I'm finally back to update my blog! Sorry for the late delay cause i was away for my uni orientation camp :(  Nevertheless, I'm here for an exciting post! Hope you guys love it!
This time Baby took me out for a delicious meal at Just Acia which is at Dhoby ghaut mrt there! It's been so long since i went there...I really missed the good food! Btw, Just Acia serve Japanese food and the set meal comes with free flow drinks and ice cream at a whopping price of $5.90!!! The portion is really BIG that you might worry how to finish it! I officially announced that Just Acia is on my fav food heaven list! hehehe....without further delay, let's view the photos of the day!!
this is me waiting for the food :))
my Baby cant wait for it too! :)
we start off with a cup of yummy ice-cream! isn't it nice?? I made it de ;)
looks like my Baby really know how to enjoy his ice cream :D
this is my food Tori Katsu set!
Baby ordered some Ramen set :)
wow...i didnt know i open my mouth so big when eating ice cream...anw YUMYUM!
smiles :)
wondering why Baby keep taking of me eating...
i work with him and smile to take a great photo!
in the end, i lose my cool coz i dont like it when people take photo of me when i am eating
Baby pacifying me by taking couple photo together!
I love this photo very much!
Baby trying to act like me :P
cant be bothered and continue eating...

THIS IS THE PHOTO OF THE DAY! Baby keep laughing when he took this photo of me...coz i was really pissed off by him alr

this is like the most genuine smile i've ever caught on it to the MAX!

I guess this post really tells you alot about my normal self :)) HAHA hope you guys love it as much as i do ;) This is one of the happiest outing that i had with Baby :D and I am more than happy to share it with u guys!

PLEASE help to click on the nuffnang ad on the left side bar! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

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