Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy 2nd Monthsary~!♥♥♥

Yeah~! Finally,we are two months together!! I feel so happy ^.^ We both wear blue tops together on that day and to go with our 'blue look', Baby bought me blue roses! :D I'm so loved!
Hehe...Baby brought me to Astons to celebrate our first week together and it became a romantic dining place for us since then :) So that's why Baby bring me there for our 2nd monthsary celebration :)
Lovely couple forever
I guess my Baby is very hungry coz he keep asking me whether i want to eat when he see me
LOL...looks like I'm more hungry than Baby :p
my Baby is soooo cute~! love him ttm!
Baby burped after the heavy meal ^^
I LOVE the BLUE ROSES Baby got for me!! LOVE YOU BABY
Baby...Thanks for loving me and filling my life with joy and laughter with your charismatic character :)
I promise to love you even more and I hope to celebrate our 3th,4th,5th and infinity monthsaries in future!
Nope...I changed my mind...i want to celebrate our anniversary with you instead! HEHEHE

YEAH! My birthday is coming this thursday :)
Stay tune for my 20th Birthday Celebration photos :))
I love you my readers!

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