Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Disappointed !

It all began when i already arranged for a check list of what to get for my birthday party...then last sat,I asked all my friends if they can make it on thurs for my party....In the end, all of them either said they couldnt make it or not sure...i mean...if u have nth on that day, you would have said yes...cause i asked you first...not wait till other people to date u out before u tell me that u are not free right???
In the end,I have to cancel my party...Then ytd afternoon, I asked my aunt to order cake for me. In the end, when i asked her abt it, she said "I thought you ordering yourself??" That moment when she said that, my anger suddenly rushed to the top of my head....I sms someone but he didnt reply me and expect me to know that he's studying for his tests that's why he couldnt reply me...Till now, he still think that i'm at fault...seriously, I dont know why people would want to piss me off and make me a sad birthday girl....
Im not even asking them to give me LV,GUCCI bag as present...not even a single present that i asked from all of you!! Cant you all just celebrate and share my joy with me?? Isit so difficult???

Lastly, THANKS for all the disappointment you have given me.

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