Monday, June 28, 2010

Just Acia!♥

Hello readers!
I'm finally back to update my blog! Sorry for the late delay cause i was away for my uni orientation camp :(  Nevertheless, I'm here for an exciting post! Hope you guys love it!
This time Baby took me out for a delicious meal at Just Acia which is at Dhoby ghaut mrt there! It's been so long since i went there...I really missed the good food! Btw, Just Acia serve Japanese food and the set meal comes with free flow drinks and ice cream at a whopping price of $5.90!!! The portion is really BIG that you might worry how to finish it! I officially announced that Just Acia is on my fav food heaven list! hehehe....without further delay, let's view the photos of the day!!
this is me waiting for the food :))
my Baby cant wait for it too! :)
we start off with a cup of yummy ice-cream! isn't it nice?? I made it de ;)
looks like my Baby really know how to enjoy his ice cream :D
this is my food Tori Katsu set!
Baby ordered some Ramen set :)
wow...i didnt know i open my mouth so big when eating ice cream...anw YUMYUM!
smiles :)
wondering why Baby keep taking of me eating...
i work with him and smile to take a great photo!
in the end, i lose my cool coz i dont like it when people take photo of me when i am eating
Baby pacifying me by taking couple photo together!
I love this photo very much!
Baby trying to act like me :P
cant be bothered and continue eating...

THIS IS THE PHOTO OF THE DAY! Baby keep laughing when he took this photo of me...coz i was really pissed off by him alr

this is like the most genuine smile i've ever caught on it to the MAX!

I guess this post really tells you alot about my normal self :)) HAHA hope you guys love it as much as i do ;) This is one of the happiest outing that i had with Baby :D and I am more than happy to share it with u guys!

PLEASE help to click on the nuffnang ad on the left side bar! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Disappointed !

It all began when i already arranged for a check list of what to get for my birthday party...then last sat,I asked all my friends if they can make it on thurs for my party....In the end, all of them either said they couldnt make it or not sure...i mean...if u have nth on that day, you would have said yes...cause i asked you first...not wait till other people to date u out before u tell me that u are not free right???
In the end,I have to cancel my party...Then ytd afternoon, I asked my aunt to order cake for me. In the end, when i asked her abt it, she said "I thought you ordering yourself??" That moment when she said that, my anger suddenly rushed to the top of my head....I sms someone but he didnt reply me and expect me to know that he's studying for his tests that's why he couldnt reply me...Till now, he still think that i'm at fault...seriously, I dont know why people would want to piss me off and make me a sad birthday girl....
Im not even asking them to give me LV,GUCCI bag as present...not even a single present that i asked from all of you!! Cant you all just celebrate and share my joy with me?? Isit so difficult???

Lastly, THANKS for all the disappointment you have given me.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy 2nd Monthsary~!♥♥♥

Yeah~! Finally,we are two months together!! I feel so happy ^.^ We both wear blue tops together on that day and to go with our 'blue look', Baby bought me blue roses! :D I'm so loved!
Hehe...Baby brought me to Astons to celebrate our first week together and it became a romantic dining place for us since then :) So that's why Baby bring me there for our 2nd monthsary celebration :)
Lovely couple forever
I guess my Baby is very hungry coz he keep asking me whether i want to eat when he see me
LOL...looks like I'm more hungry than Baby :p
my Baby is soooo cute~! love him ttm!
Baby burped after the heavy meal ^^
I LOVE the BLUE ROSES Baby got for me!! LOVE YOU BABY
Baby...Thanks for loving me and filling my life with joy and laughter with your charismatic character :)
I promise to love you even more and I hope to celebrate our 3th,4th,5th and infinity monthsaries in future!
Nope...I changed my mind...i want to celebrate our anniversary with you instead! HEHEHE

YEAH! My birthday is coming this thursday :)
Stay tune for my 20th Birthday Celebration photos :))
I love you my readers!