Saturday, March 27, 2010

Outing with DJ!

Today is a SATURDAY! yeah~!
we decide to head down to marina barrage as DJ havent been there before :) i was late again for this meeting..i rushed to the mrt and i saw him at the entrance...i tot he v angry with me...then suddenly he stretched out his hands with a bouquet of flowers! OMG it wasnt any special day for us...i really feel super shy and touched ;)

Thanks alot DJ!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Special Edition Publish! (ll)

Im back with my JC life update! Actually, the most memorable times i had in JC was my DANCE trainings. I made very good friends there and i really love the sisterhood among the dancers!
this was when Mr Dan Kwoh(our dance instructor) updating about our flexibility...then Dwayne kena torture...WUHAHA
the M-Girls (Meiyi,Meichiee,Maria) my besties!!! CNY performance day
inside Esplanade waiting for Ballet performance to start...the Victoria Secret Fans!
all the dancers inside a waiting rm at Indoor Stadium during a rehearsal for the Opening Ceremony of Asia Youth Olympics Games
my super hot Maria! inside dance studio doing make-up and hair do
my hair stylist Rachelle doing my hair for me :)
crazy bunch of girls~
I love smiling to the camera!!!
this is my FAV photo! used to be my DP for msn,blog,facebook etc
my JC classmates! happy family :D on last day of sch...
3 besties!!!
HAHA....we purposely want to block Regina and Alvana at the back

last day of Alevel !! outing with Julia :)
Lastly, i wanna thank Julia for being such a good friend and listener to me for 6 years!! It's amazing how time flies...but glad that we have a chance to grow tgt...this time we won't be going to the same uni BUT we will always be good friends! CHEERS!

I really enjoyed my JC life alot! Well, thank you readers for reading my blog as i really feel appreciated when u read about my life,about my ups and downs.


Special Edition Publish!

Hi readers

Been such a long time since i update my blog....i've been very busy with work and i hang out with my friends occasionally...but today, im gonna do a special edition blog post about my life when i was in sch because i really miss school alot! i HATE working life! i wish i can be the same old me again
this is my sec4 classroom :) took this on the last day of sch
my form teachers! ;)
actually i want to specially thank this VERY good good friend of mine, Kalaivani.
she is a very smart, funny and helpful friend of mine who helps me in my studies when i met problems. Without YOU, i will not be the MeiChiee today. So THANK YOU, my dear friend♥♥
Of coz not forgetting my BFF!!♥♥ i don't know how we become BFF...but she is always there for me when i need someone. Glad to meet you in my life ;)
these are some of my friends i made in sch...i call them my kor :p
me and my classmates :)
that's all for my secondary sch days...sorry limited photos coz my phone was stolen :(

Will update my JC life soon...Stay tune

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I just LOST my phone at Far East Plaza :'(
now im in a super TERRIBLE HORRIBLE VEGETABLE  mood! I curse that bitch who stole my phone! on this same day, i bought myself a dress...and thanks to a friend who got me the golden CASIO watch that i've been wanted to get :)) thanks for cheering me up^^

As for my work, i am getting better each day with the company's system...haha and i mix well with my colleages too. thats good news

As for my friendship, yesterday i went to have dinner with my bff Shun Hiang :) we dine in at Astons at suntec...then got this laser show at the Fountain of Wealth....we keyed in the message at a machine outside the fountain...then the message was shown on the water using laser! SO COOL!

As for my relationship, it wasnt going very well with him...even before we get tgt, things start to change...the sweetness had been drained...but im not going to let myself to get hurt again

Saturday, March 13, 2010


It's finally Saturday! yeah~! can go out and have fun alr :)) woke up early to meet Jennifer to head down to SIM open saw alot of my friends there...haha after that i rush to marina square to meet DJ to see IT show...wa...the place crowded like people mountain people sea i decided to eat my dinner first then go squeeze with the crowd :) smart smart ^^

Thanks all for today! Smiles :D

Company's D&D!

I knock off work at 2pm today:) hehe after rush to Vivian's house to do my make-up. She so good to let me use her master bedroom because got aircon:) Thanks! 
Im actually inside ST's car now going to Pan Pacific Hotel for the D&D!cool~

Goodnight earthlings!