Monday, August 31, 2009

Movie dating shopping♥♥

Hi people! this is me blogging at my bf's house...
dats how i look at home unglam
i went to ION orchard ytd with my BFF and i bought this cute little piggy mirror from artbox :)
so kawaii~
there's a mini comb inside!

Dear bring me to AMK hub for a movie ;) it's a comedy btw....i would rate it 3.5 stars!
posing before 'opening ceremony' ;)
dear is so hungry...yum!
dear feeling happy after first bite :)
i love Carl Jr!

we went to MS carl jr for today's dating :)
love my baby :)
i saw these cute toys that can move around! so cute lah!
minnie mouse ;)
this is another kawaii softoy ;)
so cuteeeeeeeeeeee~

that's all folks! update you again soon :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Exam is over!!

I had my H2 chem P1 and H1 phy P1 today to mark the end of my prelim exams...Woohs!
No more studying for hours...sounds great man

I wait for dear to pick me up to go to Ms Lydia's house to pass to her some documents...Ms Lydia was my Pure physics teacher when i was sec4....been long since i saw her ;)
she has long perm hair now...i hope she and her bf will tie the knot soon...hehe
after that i went to dear's house to accompany him coz he is leaving for Malaysia tmr morning...sobs...will be lovesick :(
i help him fold his clothes...hehe feel like his wife liddat :p

hope he have a safe trip...i love u baby

Friday, August 21, 2009

Preliminary Exams

i have had my H1 GP papers and my H2 ECONOMICS P2 on monday...
hmm i have abit of confidence in myself though...haha scare to hope for so much :)

im also done with my H2 MATH P1 and H2 CHEM P3 :D

what i've done lately is to accompany my ah gong who came all the way from Malaysia to have a holiday as the eldest grandchild, i should be a good host...

but i'm having my prelim exams...kinda stressed up with my time management and everything...

i'm also frustrated because im having problems with this idiotic blogger ....i cant upload photos!!

hmm...i just wanna thank my bf for accompany me to study and thank god(which ever god coz im a free thinker) for the good relationship with my friends :) i even make new good so blessed !

thats all folks! will blog soon...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Thanks Giving Concert 07.08.09 !!!

My dear gave me this lovely sunflower to celebrate our 25th month anniversary...i love it so so much!! Thank you so much baby for going through trouble to get me this :)))
it really shines my day :)

Posing with the flower :)

Cam whoring before assemble at concourse (Jingfang & Alvana) super act cute ;)
Alvana n ME :D
Two besties again
Hafiz n Alvana
Alvana and ME again;)
3 humty dumdies sitting on the railings :)
Random cam whore with Qian Bi(pencil) :D
when ppl from 2S14 deliver the flowers, i thought i wasnt gonna get any :( then alvana told me she saw bouquet got my name on it...i tot she's jk....i was so shocked when this guy handed me the flowers...there's a sweet message from dear on it !
lovely isn't it??? cam whoring with it :D
inside the sch hall with Gregory

ME and Timothy chiang :) (he super AC sia)it's Mr Kwek's Birthday on National Day!!! unbelievable!
Marilyn, Me, Janice Winata :)
WanEe, Me, Jennifer
Gays in my class (Gregory,timothy,yongsheng,bukcheng)
I totally love the concert lots!!! Rock on!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Anguish :(

These days i've been busy like a bee finding come clique and fit into it....

it's really pathetic of me at such point of time,exactly 9 more days to Prelims, im still trying to figure out who are my true friends or smth...

maybe in the first place i should build good foundation and have my own clique...but it's really difficult for a non-academic inclined person like me to go through such a harsh time like A levels...

lucky i got my dear....but that's only after school....tmr is our 25th month anniversary :) 07.08.09 how nice are the numbers! but how sad my face would be on this day....

my dear insist on going over to m'sia on his motorbike with his friends...leaving me here in singapore to celebrate our 25th mth anni alone :(

im still trying to figure out who shall i go with to the Thanks Giving concert tmr....

i shall see then