Saturday, June 16, 2012

Work at Event @ Marina Barrage ! ♥

Omg...I was so happy when I know that my darling DION is working with me at this event!!
It was a dance performance at family day event at Marina Barrage :) SO HAPPY to see her again after 3 months?!?! We did lots of canwhore today...LOL miss her much 
 we were first to arrive and therefore CAMWHORE! :D
so freaking HOT outside!
finally reached the location
inside the changing room :)

 weeee~! my Hawaii look!! 
 full body picture!
 with my another babe Jan Marie!♥ 
 happy girl :D
 went for lunch after the event!
my tot face :p
 this is the view from the restaurant I'm dining in...nice?
Me, Kate & Dion chat all our way till the sun sets :) It's been SO LONG since 3 of us meet together!! I MISS YOU GIRLS!!! Till we meet again ;) 


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