Friday, June 1, 2012

JB trip! ♥

Hi readers :) I'm back! 
 Sorry guys...I've been busy with events and my part time jobs...I will just do a summary for the days I was away :) haha this post got alot of my zi pai photos...hope you guys don't mind :) Enjoy! 
 working for HedKandi beach party event :)
 pardon my stiff expression...I was feeling tense because I was involved behind the scene as well
 I love my make up !
working as the door girl :) hehe 

Heading out for meeting at MBS residences again :)
There this scanner thing that works like a lift in a hotel 
A friend drove me to JB in his
happy girl! ^^ 
we had bak ku teh! the bkt here damn nice loh! ♥♥♥
 my fatty cheeks....we went for a full body massage too ^^ ♥
I love my new eye shadow! ♥ will update soon! :)

xoxo ♥

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