Friday, July 22, 2011

Golden Keyyy!! :)

The key of freedom is here!!! means I'm official free from any parental guidance...but still my mom will treat me like her little girl sometimes and nag at me :) nonetheless, I feel loved ♥
My mom is a very typical chinese pie! She thinks gold is more worthy than silver or white she got me this! The 21 number at the end of the key is so CHIO!! It has a crown on it too!! ♥♥♥
wearing it on me :)
since you asked, I actually got my lens from :) the owner is friendly and VERY EFFICIENT in answering queries and she definitely wont scam away with your money! Click below to enter!

went to eat dinner at a coffee shop near my house where Baby loves the noodles over there :)

Baby was so excited!

I LOVE the golden key necklace sooo much! I thought my mom is gonna get me an oh biang golden necklace...little did I know that her taste is so modern ;) having a young mom is an advantage too! hehe

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