Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My 21st Presents!!!

I'm finally done up with my presents photos just recently & now they are ready for this post! :) I just wanna say I'm thankful for all the effort put in by my fellow friends and family...this is like the first time I feel everyone get together and make everything according to my plans...once again, I'm thankful for helping me to make this party a successful one :D I'm a happy 21 girl! Enjoy the photos! :)
my lovely presents 
LV dream came true
chio right? :)

key necklace my mom got for me! so pretty!!! I finally got the key to my freedom :)

Agnes. b necklace for my sec sch friends aka kors :)

diamond ear studs from Baby's friends :)

earrings from Baby's shen shen :)

Tiffany&co bracelet from Jeff! another wish came true...
Elizabeth Arden perfume from mom's friend :)
Chanel perfume from my dearest sister! :) another wish came true
Anna Sui bag & booklet from my JC friends :)
and birthday cards from them!
Bff present for me :)
Yeah~! Victoria Secret Make-up kit! I'm a great fan of VS!
love the purple VS on the casing!

vibrant colour palette !
second layer inside still got lip gloss!
and also professional make-up tools :)
this is so cool~
Royce chocolates from my sec sch friends Julia & Soo Min :) 
this is done by Baby's cousin! lol so childlike :) I feel young again!

That's all for the presents post! Stay tune for the next post coming up real soon! :)


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