Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Seoul Garden!!

Yeah~! Finally we come to dine at Seoul Garden for the first time :) went there with Baby and his family at City Square Mall ;) It's actually bbq and steamboat together for you guys to enjoy best of both worlds!

we waited very long to be seated and my hungry baby got impatient
wait till baby yawn like Merlion "Rawwwww"

there is this technology that makes ordering food fuss-FREE! hehe 
hot pot beginning to heat up

 our first cook!
 these drumlets are the BEST!!! must order alot when u get there 
 the long list of orders :)
 not to forget fruits after the greasy and heaty food
 naughty baby put prawn cracker into the soft drink :/

Overall, the food is really nice...hope to go there again when I'm free :)

Will update soon ;)

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