Monday, May 23, 2011

Hi peeps!

I'm back for more updates!
But before that, I want to say something...Actually few times during work, I was thinking whether to call up my bff Shun Hiang to ask if she's coming to my 21st birthday party or not only that....I wanna asked how is she doing right now...I missed her so much >< but glad that I finally took up the initiative to call her up tonight! haha btw, we've never talked and meet for 4 months alr??! and  I also got to know that her graduation day (NP) is this COMING THURSDAY! hais...she thought I was schooling and therefore she didnt tell me coz she thought I could just pop by her sch( my sch SIM is just next to hers).
the bad news is...I GOT WORK THAT DAY:( but i'll try to ask leave from my boss(I just told my boss i'm quiting in a few days time). so try to understand my situation yea?

Next is....regarding my work...I am gonna look for new jobs tmr! Tmr is my off day!! :) weets~! I'm not gonna mentioned anything about my current job coz of confidential issues. Anyway, I'll be looking for retail shops like UniQlo :) since it's GSS period :D

Lastly, it's about my school :( this is the most problematic one...I am thinking whether to quit school now and continue one year later or change my course to part-time instead of full time....coz I realised full time doesnt make much difference as part time. Another reason is...I wanna work and earn as much money when I'm still young...don't wanna start when I'm older...but the actual reason is...I don't wanna see those BITCHES. I treat them nicely but they treat me like some stranger. hope God will enlighten me coz there are so many things on my mind now....
Those who treat me badly now will get their deserved retribution in time even if it takes decade.(take Japan for example)

I will update my photos tmr during my off day! See ya readers! Have a good night ahead! :)


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