Tuesday, February 1, 2011

G-MAX at Clarke Quay!

These photos are taken way back 2 weeks ago. We are celebrating Baby's friends, ChunTeik and Ang Siang's birthday :) we went to clarke quay for their BIG surprise ;) which was the G-MAX ride! So let the pictures do the talking yea?

Baby's friend, chloe....her mom is setting a stall at this flea market coincidentally :) we went to say a little hello
 this is just opposite us! cool !

at where the G-MAX is :)
 Baby was daring to take the ride :)
 actually I didnt buy the ticket to go up there...the person lied to me that he just took a photo of me anf Baby and then unbuckle me....in the end, he send me up -.-
 And poof~! I was sent up!
 I really enjoyed the ride and you guys should try it to challenge yourself for this New Year :)

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