Sunday, September 4, 2011

Texas Chick & otw to Beach Road !!

Baby and I decided to head to NEX at Serangoon to dine at TEXAS CHICKEN!! It's located at level 4....make sure you are there to check out the food there ;) the chicken is spicy even though it's original...for those who cannoot take spice, pls dont take it! Or you'll regret it! I love the HONEY BAKED BISCUIT!!! it's super delicious and I can just gobble few of them down my stomach! NO joke! that's how delicious it is ;) enough of talking...let's look at the photos !

 I didnt state what's this crowd about on my fb...I shall now reveal the secret....Sogurt is having 50% OFF!!! me and baby q till halfway but gave up in the end :( sad

 Baby wanted to get things at Beach Road...his parents drove us there and the camwhore queen took photos along the way :)

Baby look so adorable!!! LOVE UUUUUU

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