Thursday, September 29, 2011

Out of SG!

Leaving for Bintan tomorrow :)
More details coming up and I have alot to share with my readers! 
Stay tune !! :D

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mid-Autumn Festival !

This is the second time I'm celebrating mid-autumn festival with Baby ♥
We went to the park just next to his house and there are lots of kids playing around with colourful lanterns! I feel like I'm a small little girl again :D
 Baby and his bro
 we reuse last year's lantern! Be environmentally friendly ;)
 the light of life

 Baby do a ♥ for me ! SO sweet~!

 Fire burning

 I keep missing Baby's face coz he's too tall!

 Baby is so enthu suddenly! hahahaha ♥ his jump shots!
 Baby's fav pose...LOL
 Split in the air! learning to be a dancer like me?


cute anot? LOL...I rarely do this kinda pose though...Wish all my readers 


Monday, September 12, 2011

Hari Raya celebration at Police headquarters!!

I know it sounds weird to celebrate Hari Raya at the Police Headquarters at tpy...To explain, Baby's daddy is actually a police officer/commander...someone who is high rank in the department. They invited the family members of all the policemen for this special celebration and I thought I might just tag along for an eye-opener :) On the way on the car
 see? I look fierce without smiling right? 

 there are alot of similar vehicles inside the restricted compound...I shall only upload one photo! you guys are privileged! but it's really damn cool inside~
 FREE pool game in the cafe area! Baby was so eggcited! haha
 my legs look slimmer now :) my slimming effort pays off!
 they can satay-ing inside! COOL
 A mini ice kachang station at the buffet :)
my tini weeny ice cream! KAWAII~ this year's Hari Raya is very special for me :) How did u guys celebrate Hari Raya then?