Friday, July 22, 2011

Golden Keyyy!! :)

The key of freedom is here!!! means I'm official free from any parental guidance...but still my mom will treat me like her little girl sometimes and nag at me :) nonetheless, I feel loved ♥
My mom is a very typical chinese pie! She thinks gold is more worthy than silver or white she got me this! The 21 number at the end of the key is so CHIO!! It has a crown on it too!! ♥♥♥
wearing it on me :)
since you asked, I actually got my lens from :) the owner is friendly and VERY EFFICIENT in answering queries and she definitely wont scam away with your money! Click below to enter!

went to eat dinner at a coffee shop near my house where Baby loves the noodles over there :)

Baby was so excited!

I LOVE the golden key necklace sooo much! I thought my mom is gonna get me an oh biang golden necklace...little did I know that her taste is so modern ;) having a young mom is an advantage too! hehe

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My 21st Presents!!!

I'm finally done up with my presents photos just recently & now they are ready for this post! :) I just wanna say I'm thankful for all the effort put in by my fellow friends and family...this is like the first time I feel everyone get together and make everything according to my plans...once again, I'm thankful for helping me to make this party a successful one :D I'm a happy 21 girl! Enjoy the photos! :)
my lovely presents 
LV dream came true
chio right? :)

key necklace my mom got for me! so pretty!!! I finally got the key to my freedom :)

Agnes. b necklace for my sec sch friends aka kors :)

diamond ear studs from Baby's friends :)

earrings from Baby's shen shen :)

Tiffany&co bracelet from Jeff! another wish came true...
Elizabeth Arden perfume from mom's friend :)
Chanel perfume from my dearest sister! :) another wish came true
Anna Sui bag & booklet from my JC friends :)
and birthday cards from them!
Bff present for me :)
Yeah~! Victoria Secret Make-up kit! I'm a great fan of VS!
love the purple VS on the casing!

vibrant colour palette !
second layer inside still got lip gloss!
and also professional make-up tools :)
this is so cool~
Royce chocolates from my sec sch friends Julia & Soo Min :) 
this is done by Baby's cousin! lol so childlike :) I feel young again!

That's all for the presents post! Stay tune for the next post coming up real soon! :)


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Birthday Celebration with Bestie! ♥

Finally meet up with Shun Hiang to celebrate my birthday :) hehe It's been like 4 months since we met...
We went to Just Acia at Marina Square for a chit chat over lunch session :D It's one of my favourite restaurant!! let's dig in!
 my colourful ice-cream with chocolate powder topping :) 
 SH's ice-cream :)
me & my ice-cream! ♥

 me with my garrett POPCORN!!
 It smells so niceee & I just couldnt resist it!!
my bff is buzyyyy
photos from bestie's phone camera! :) love the effects

I will upload the photos of my presents soon! ^^ Meanwhile stay tune for more updates coming up real soon...coz I've got tons of photos inside my camera! See you soon! :)))