Friday, July 2, 2010

My rainy day

Part 1
Yeah~! I survived 2 days in uni already! Everything was great...I had computing lesson inside com lab and had hands on session FINALLY....then when i went to the com lab to print notes, i met this super ultra irritating,siyi and Jeffrey were waiting for the girl to print finish. And she did...we were quite happy cause it's our turn alr....until she said " sorry you have to wait for this guy to print finish first " we said "alright " and then she continue to put in more papers into the tray and continue printing! What the fuck! I was pissed off and in the end, we moved to another lab and then to the library to print our notes.

Part 2
After sch, i went to Dover to find my,he's going to Malaysia for his scuba diving lessons...oh man im gonna miss him like hell :((( We take away Mac near his house and we head to his house to eat lunch...Baby was so stressed about his project....although i really wanted to hug him, i had to control my feelings and not disturb him while he is doing work...I bet he reached the place by now already...just want to shout
Baby I miss you alot alot alot alot alot!!!!!

and I love you forever

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